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our board of directors

Cheryl Joy Lipton, President,                              provides Landscape Designs and                              Ecosystem Restoration services in

Chester, VT.  She has a Bachelor of 

Landscape Architecture from SUNY

College of Environmental Science and

Forestry and MS in Ecology from Penn

State. Her work includes landscape

design, ecosystem restoration, and sustainable living consultation in Vermont, Central Pennsylvania and Upstate New York, in the private and public sectors. Cheryl Joy is a specialist in native plants and invasive non-natives, has served on the Chester Planning Commission and is a founding leader of Mountain Valley Climate Action 350VT. She has been gardening using organic methods since the 1980s. She and Melody Reed started the group Victory Gardening in the 21st Century. She is also a homeschooling mother, keeps chickens, 2 cats, a young dog and is restoring a solar powered, 1850 Gothic Revival farmhouse and its 5 acres of land left fallow for about 17 years.  Cheryl lives sustainably, making most things from scratch, necessary when eschewing plastic, single use packaging and various unnecessary additives.


Luna Burkland is enthusiastic                                about the well-being of the                                      environment, and reversing                                    climate change. She is an active                              member of the Environmental                                  Club at Green Mountain Union                                High School, Mountain Valley

Climate Action Group in Chester, Vermont, and she is a passionate composting advocate. She hopes to see the world repaired from the climatic damage people have instilled upon the earth, and she helps push towards that goal in any way she can. Luna lives in Chester, with her family, in a solar powered house. 


Melody Reed,

is an artist and life-long organic                     gardener. She lives off-the-grid in                           

a solar-powered house in the                                   woods with her husband. She was                           

a past Vermont Coordinator for                               

the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and                           most recently Executive Director                             

of the Gallery at the VAULT, a nonprofit state craft center in Springfield. She was one of the  originators of the Springfield Steampunk Festival event. She’s an activist member of Mountain Valley Climate Action 350VT and is deeply concerned about climate change. She has a BA from the College of St. Joseph where she studied History and Studio Art. She enjoys making jewelry, pastel painting, and spending time with her family.



Join our Board


CCG&G is looking for a person with accounting experience to join our volunteer board and serve as Treasurer. Knowledge of grant research and writing would be a huge plus. Be part of an amazing community project!



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Dr. Andrew Malaby, Board Member

is a scientist, educator, Scrabble enthusiast,

partner, and father. He has a B.S. Springfield

College, and Ph.D. Univ. Massachusetts Medical

School (Biomedical Sciences) M.A.T: UVM

He embraces complexity on a journey to

implement low-impact practices into a modern

life. He teaches life sciences at Green Mountain Union High School and is the faculty advisor for the Environmental Club. He's also done outreach at the K-12 level through Classroom visits and the UVM Extension with 4H.

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Nate Pero, Board Member,

is chief of the Koasek, an Abenaki band of some 300 members, most of whom live in Windsor and Orange Counties

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Deborah Velto, Board Member

is a local educator who believes in the value of connecting students with the natural world and our local community. She has lived in the Chester area for the last 15 years with her husband and two children. She enjoys gardening with her family, and appreciates learning from her neighbors expertise!

John Velit, Board Member,

John moved to Chester with his wife after retiring in December of 2020.  He became interested in the CCG&G as a way to get involved in his new community. Having his own organic garden at home, he saw the need for a community garden

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